Registered Massage Therapy & Treatments for TMJ Dysfunction
Therapeutic Massage for Relief of Head, Neck and Jaw Pain.
Serving Owen Sound, Port Elgin, Thornbury and Meaford areas.
Eating, talking, moving your head and even yawning are painful and impact your daily activities. You just want to be you again! Our personalized, non-surgical approach and massage techniques can reduce and relieve your TMJ symptoms.
What is TMJ, And What Are Some Causes Of It?
The temporomandibular joints (TMJ) located at the front of each ear allow for speaking, eating and smiling.TMJ dysfunction (TMJD) has various causes, like chewing gum or teeth grinding, as well as arthritis and poor posture.
How Do I Know If I Have TMJ Dysfunction?
TMJ symptoms can present as difficulty opening and closing your mouth, popping or clicking sounds when you chew, headaches, earaches, facial pain, and tense head and shoulder muscles.
How Does TMJ Massage Therapy Help?
Our intra-oral treatments and traditional massage therapy can help decompress and relax the muscles to reduce inflammation, restore your alignment, improve your range of motion and alleviate pain.
Who am I?
Jeri Roberts, Registered Massage Therapist
I know your pain because I’ve had TMJ Dysfunction too! It took me years to find a practitioner who could help my clicking jaw, tension headaches and relieve my pain.
As an RMT, I’ve taken advanced training in treating and assessing TMJD, so you can get the relief to start being you again.
Initial assessment & treatment for TMJD
Includes reviewing your health history & physical assessment of the tmj/muscles, massage treatment, and an overview of self-care exercises.
Massage for TMJD
This treatment focuses on releasing muscle tension and fascia in the jaw, neck, and head.
Health Partners
We consult and collaborate on treatments with other health professionals:
- Dentists
- Dental Hygienists
- Chiropractors
- Ear, Nose & Throat Specialists
- Physiotherapists
- Orofacial Myofunctional Therapists
- Other RMTs
- Other wellness professionals