
5 Easy Ways To Implement Home Care

If you are trying to reduce your jaw pain, headaches, and other TMJD symptoms, home care is a large piece of the puzzle and being consistent is essential to get results. I get it, home care isn’t the most fun, and it’s likely the the last thing you wanna do. Not to mention where are...

3 Myths About Jaw Massage

When treating clients for TMJ Dysfunction (TMJD) I massage the jaw muscles on the outside of the face but also intra-orally, which is just a fancy way of saying inside the mouth. Some clients are hesitant to have this work done because of a few myths about this treatment. There are 3 main ones that come up on...

Are you a daytime clencher? Try this…..

Have you ever caught yourself unknowingly clenching your teeth during the day?I know I have……Often we don’t realize that we’re holding our jaw muscles even slightly contracted throughout the day. So why do we do this?The most common cause of day time clenching I see in my practice is stress. Here's what you can...

Does your Jaw Click? Here’s why…

WHY DOES MY JAW CLICK? Read below to learn what is happening and how massage can reduce clicking. Are you embarrassed of the clicks and pops your jaw makes when eating, or talking? It can get crazy loud right? Quick Anatomy Lesson: In the jaw joint, the temporomandibular joint (TMJ)...

Are you using meds to manage your headaches?

Are you taking OTC medication on the regular to keep the headaches at bay? Many of my clients indicate during their initial visit that in order to manage their headaches they have found themselves reaching for over the counter (OTC) pain meds more often than they would like. They voice...

Prepare For Your Dental Visit When You Have TMD

If you have jaw pain from Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction (TMD), you likely have anxiety about your dental appointments, or perhaps you even avoid them all together.Many of my clients report on their intake form that a visit to the dentist is a triggering event that is a sure fire way...

Should You Use Ice or Heat for Pain?

This is a question that is frequently asked by many of my clients, "How do I know when I need to use hot, or cold?” Heat is generally used to treat chronic injuries because it increases blood flow and muscle relaxation, whereas cold is used to treat acute injuries because it decreases blood flow and pain. Contrasting...

Can Massage Help You Sleep Better?

A good night’s sleep is crucial to our wellbeing and overall health. If you’ve ever had trouble falling asleep or staying asleep, then you know that being tired or craving sleep can impact your entire day. You feel drowsy or irritable, your thoughts may be foggy, and you may start...

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(226) 493-1502

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