Interested? Or Committed?…

When I was 18 I purchased my first guitar, it was gorgeous. A black acoustic, that gave off rock star vibes. I had visions of my friends and I sitting around campfires. Me jamming and them singing along to The Tragically Hip, Pearl Jam, and acoustic versions of Metallica.  But learning guitar required weekly lessons,...

You’ve Been Sold a Lie

If you’ve been told “no pain, no gain” when it comes to massage, you’ve been sold a lie.I said what I said. Can there be moments of discomfort, sure. But it should ALWAYS be with your consent and ALWAYS be within your comfort level.What do I mean by this?…. -Your massage therapist should be checking in with...

Is this ONE thing preventing your results?

What is ONE major thing that prevents you from getting results from your massage?........Wait for it.......YOUR THOUGHTSYou may be thinking:"What do my thoughts have to do with"......-Reducing my jaw pain-Getting rid of my headaches-Insert reason for seeking massage hereMy answer to you is EVERYTHING. This may seem whoo whoo but hear me out. Over the last year I...

5 Things I Don’t Give AF About

This is a PSA to all my amazing clients and future clients.Without fail on the daily I have clients apologizing for one thing or another. From the appearance of their body, to their treatment needs. I'm hear to let you know there is no reason to apologize, it's all good my friend.When you are...

Don’t Do THIS Before Your Massage

Have you ever taken a pain pill, anti-inflammatory or muscle relaxant before your massage treatment?Pain is the main reason many clients seek massage therapy treatments. It could be because they've tweaked their back, slept wrong and their neck is in spasm, or they have clenched so hard they have a constant raging headache.Often times in an...

3 Myths About Jaw Massage

When treating clients for TMJ Dysfunction (TMJD) I massage the jaw muscles on the outside of the face but also intra-orally, which is just a fancy way of saying inside the mouth. Some clients are hesitant to have this work done because of a few myths about this treatment. There are 3 main ones that come up on...

Can Massage Help You Sleep Better?

A good night’s sleep is crucial to our wellbeing and overall health. If you’ve ever had trouble falling asleep or staying asleep, then you know that being tired or craving sleep can impact your entire day. You feel drowsy or irritable, your thoughts may be foggy, and you may start...

The Difference Between A Good Massage & A Great One

For me the difference between a good massage and a great one is when the therapist provides the perfect amount of pressure. I want enough to feel relief in the achy, sore areas of my body, not so much that I'm holding my breath, but more than feeling like the therapist...

The Future of Massage Therapy

These are some strange times we are living in. In the weeks that have followed the lock down in the province I have been riding an emotional roller coaster. Recently, the dominating emotion is grief. Grief for the world of massage therapy. Everything about the way we practiced is now gone, at...

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