Do you do chew on both sides?

Kind of a strange question I know, but something important to pay attention to EVEN if you don't have jaw pain (it can lead to that in the future). This is a question on my intake form that I ask my TMJ clients. Many don't know which side they chew on and it...

Interested? Or Committed?…

When I was 18 I purchased my first guitar, it was gorgeous. A black acoustic, that gave off rock star vibes. I had visions of my friends and I sitting around campfires. Me jamming and them singing along to The Tragically Hip, Pearl Jam, and acoustic versions of Metallica.  But learning guitar required weekly lessons,...

Full proof plan to get results

Jaw pain, headaches, and muscle tension are why my clients seek massage therapy. Getting relief is the end goal. Below I am sharing my Full-Proof plan to get you RESULTS.....1) Show up & Take Responsibility.To reach your goals, this step is the most important. To show up is attending your appointments. Taking responsibility is...

My Favourite Ways Unwind During The Holidays

We are right in the thick of the holiday season, which can be fun and exciting, but can also be extremely stressful for many. It can be hard to keep your stress at bay, so I am sharing my favourite ways to unwind during this crazy time of year.My Top Ways...

5 Easy Ways To Implement Home Care

If you are trying to reduce your jaw pain, headaches, and other TMJD symptoms, home care is a large piece of the puzzle and being consistent is essential to get results. I get it, home care isn’t the most fun, and it’s likely the the last thing you wanna do. Not to mention where are...

Are you a daytime clencher? Try this…..

Have you ever caught yourself unknowingly clenching your teeth during the day?I know I have……Often we don’t realize that we’re holding our jaw muscles even slightly contracted throughout the day. So why do we do this?The most common cause of day time clenching I see in my practice is stress. Here's what you can...

Prepare For Your Dental Visit When You Have TMD

If you have jaw pain from Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction (TMD), you likely have anxiety about your dental appointments, or perhaps you even avoid them all together.Many of my clients report on their intake form that a visit to the dentist is a triggering event that is a sure fire way...

Should You Use Ice or Heat for Pain?

This is a question that is frequently asked by many of my clients, "How do I know when I need to use hot, or cold?” Heat is generally used to treat chronic injuries because it increases blood flow and muscle relaxation, whereas cold is used to treat acute injuries because it decreases blood flow and pain. Contrasting...

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(226) 493-1502

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