Full proof plan to get results

Jaw pain, headaches, and muscle tension are why my clients seek massage therapy. Getting relief is the end goal. Below I am sharing my Full-Proof plan to get you RESULTS.....1) Show up & Take Responsibility.To reach your goals, this step is the most important. To show up is attending your appointments. Taking responsibility is...

How To Give Your Loved One A Massage

Did your partner sleep wrong and now has a kink in their neck? Or perhaps you want to do something nice for your loved one and show them how much you care. Knowing how to give your partner a pretty great massage yourself can make the difference between a crummy...

Stress & How it Affects The Body

Stress is something everyone has experienced at some point in their life, some more than others. Unfortunately, it has become so prevalent in our society, most people view it has a normal part of their everyday life. There are a variety of reasons that can contribute to feelings of stress...

Frequently Asked Questions About Chiropractic Care

In the years I have been in practice I have referred many clients for chiropractic care to compliment their massage treatments. In doing so, I’ve had clients ask many questions in regards to this type of treatment, while others have expressed concerns.Such as, Will it hurt? Is it dangerous? &...

What You Get For A $95 Massage

For most people, money is the biggest obstacle to getting regular massage. It is a considerable budget item, and it’s important to acknowledge that. I know this because I walk the walk and get regular massage. I have limited health care benefits, which doesn’t go far given the frequency of...


Each time I get a new client on my table I often hear statements like, “I’m sorry, I didn’t shave my legs,” or “I don’t like my legs because of the cellulite on them, so can we skip working on this area?.” My standard response is something like, “That is...

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(226) 493-1502

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