
What You Get For A $95 Massage

For most people, money is the biggest obstacle to getting regular massage. It is a considerable budget item, and it’s important to acknowledge that.

I know this because I walk the walk and get regular massage. I have limited health care benefits, which doesn’t go far given the frequency of treatments that I require. That coupled with the fact I am crazy strict with my finances, if I don’t plan for it, massage doesn’t happen.

But if I recommend you get a massage every week, month, or quarter, it’s my job to tell you what you’re buying. So here it is, what you get from a 1 hour, $90 massage.


The price that’s listed it the price you pay. My massage therapy fees can be viewed here. Each massage therapist is different in their policy on tipping, but in my clinic I do not accept or expect gratuities. I do appreciate the kind gesture, but I would rather you skip the tip and put it towards future massage treatments that you may need.


1 hour = 60 minutes. The clock doesn’t start until I walk in the room and actually begin the massage. That’s not the case for every business. At some spas, and massage therapy chains an hour is 55 minutes. But in my office, 30, 45, and 60 minute treatments last exactly as long as indicated. (Unless you’re late, then I will have to adjust accordingly.)


Scheduling tends to be the second biggest obstacle to getting regular massage. We never think of scheduling a massage at a time that is actually convenient to call. It’s usually when you get home after a long day of work, put the kids to bed, or on the weekend. With my convenient online scheduling you can book an appointment anytime day/night without the hassle of playing phone tag. Once booked you will also receive your choice of text/email reminder two days before your appointment.

You can schedule with me online at, or If you don’t see any times that work for you, send me an email with your preferred appointment time. If I have a cancellation, I will be sure to contact you. Appointments can also be scheduled by calling me at 519-470-6050. (We may need to play a bit of phone tag since I will need to call you back between clients.)

If scheduling an appointment in advance is tricky for you because of an unpredictable work schedule, after work/school activities, no problem I’ve got you covered. I will send available appointment dates/times directly to your inbox. You can sign up to be on my last minute appointment mailing list. Each Sunday, I send out an email with availbale appointments for the week with a direct link for booking. To be informed of last minute appointments, email [email protected] and state your request to be added to this list. Your information will not be shared and you can unsubscribe anytime.


You get my full attention. For 1 hour, you are the superstar. You are the reason we’re in the room. Need silence? We can do that. Want me to spend the full hour on your neck & shoulders? Sure. Adjust the pillows, face cradle, music, pressure? Not a problem. This hour is all about you with no distractions. No phone. No demands. Just you. You are my #1 priority for that hour.


I have 7 years of practice and hundreds of hours of continuing education. They were all just prep for your massage. I’m trained in therapeutic ultrasound applications, which can help ease the pain from muscles spasms and inflammation for when you hurt your back shoveling snow. Or I know some acupressure points that help reduce that gnawing ache from that tension headache you may have had all day. Can’t lay facedown on the table because it hurts your back? No problem. I can position you on your side and pillow you accordingly so you are nice and comfortable so you can enjoy your massage.


I won’t practice any techniques that are unsafe for you and your health condition. Based on your health history/assessment, I will be able to identify any contraindications that may exist and determine if modifications need to be made, or the treatment delayed all together. For example, if you are taking pain medication because you tweeked your back, I would need to modify the pressure I use. Because of the analgesic nature of the drug you will not be able to provide accurate information about your discomfort. Using too much pressure in a sensitive area without proper feedback could result in more pain once the medication wears off. People that are on blood thinners should not receive deep treatments. This medication slows the clotting process and deep techniques could lead to bruising. These are just a couple of the several contraindications that exist that I must be on the look out for to treat you safely.

The down side is I may not be able to massage you the day you come in, depending on if any red flags pop up. However, this is rare. It’s happened twice in the 7 years I have been practicing. Often I am able to use a technique that is safe and effective for your situation.


There are plenty of places offering discounted massage, some by individuals that are not qualified. Or claim to be a massage therapist and provide massage therapy without the proper registration.

To check if an individual is a Registered Massage Therapist CLICK HERE. You can also check the list of illegal practitioners that have been reported and are not entitled to practice massage therapy CLICK HERE.

If a therapist is operating without proper registration their insurance will be voided in the event of claim, that is if they even carry liability insurance. That’s scary stuff right there.


As a Registered Massage Therapist, I am required by my regulatory body, the College of Massage Therapists of Ontario to carry professional liability insurance.


A massage with me gets you connections with all the practitioners I know. If massage isn’t helping your tendonitis/backache/shoulder pain, I’ll help you find the right acupuncturist, physiotherapist, or chiropractor for you.


I only use the best products on your skin (and mine). You won’t break out from cheap fragrances or preservatives. I don’t choose my oil based on if it is cost effective. I’m up to my elbows in this stuff 35 hrs a week, so I choose my product based on quality. Only the best for us 🙂 I use high quality fractionated coconut oil that is hypoallergenic, paraben free and unscented.

For my topical analgesic cream I use Motion Medicine, which is a Canadian formulated product using premium ingredients under the stringent guidelines of Health Canada. It contains natural ingredients such as camphor, eucalyptus leaf oil, lavender essential oil, grape seed oil, vitamin E and more. In my essential oil treatments, I use 100% pure essential oils & organic when possible.


It’s just me! No corporate chain. Just a little business owner, paying her taxes, making a living, and participating in the same community she serves. There are fewer and fewer businesses that can stay afloat in an era of big box stores and large industry chains. When you pay $90 for a massage, you can be certain that money is staying in the local economy.

All that, from a $90 massage 🙂

Book Your Appointment

or you can text/call:
(226) 493-1502

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